08 November 2010


- homesick. *again*
- the excitement has totally gone.
- homesick.
- homesick.
- missing my bro.
- missing my cat.
- sorry abah. promise won't do it again. i love u so much.
- sick of livin/stayin here. wanna go home.
- currently having this weird feelings. but i like it thou. *wink-wink* (this is what keeping me here)
- want to have another loooooooooong nice vacation my family.
- realized that i won't be a good secretary. xi, im quitting.
- less money. more things to buy. T__T
- limit. yeah. it's all about the limit. i don't want to start the game worrying that u might lose.
- bond. james bond? hurm. still searching for the answer.
- next week, go home. yes.
- friends are important. please crave that in your mind.

ok. gotta go. still got plenty of work to do. sigh*

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